In order to cultivate a new habit, you need a place to begin. There is no better place to begin the journey of reading aloud than Gladys Hunt’s book, “Honey for a Child’s Heart.” This book provides a wealth of inspiration on bringing the best books to your family. Not only does Gladys share her vast knowledge of literature, but she also describes the formative impact that reading aloud had on her own family.
Her book paints a picture of the strong bond that forms among family members. Books become shared experiences that widen our perspective of the world beyond our own home and neighborhood. The presentation of robust ideas to your children from a young age will prompt discussions that will naturally build over time. She whets your appetite to read ever more complex tales expanding your knowledge base.
The family connection that Gladys describes comes gradually. It develops as a result of prioritizing time together consistently. The busyness of our modern culture will take your family in a multitude of different directions. But the choice to carve out time together to share a good book will have rich rewards.
Gladys does not leave you adrift with these lofty notions without a way to begin living them out. She concludes her book with over 80 pages of bibliography titled, “Books Your Children Should Have the Opportunity to Enjoy”. What follows are book titles, authors, and mini descriptions of books that have stood the test of time. Although you will develop your own taste for good books, Gladys provides a trustworthy place to start.
As a young mom, Gladys ignited in me a desire to experience the family connection that she aptly describes. By following her advice over many years, we have come to realize the many ways that good books have been woven into the fabric of our lives. Do whatever it takes to begin the journey of reading aloud. You will not regret the investment.