The words, “once upon a time,” are four of the most powerful words in the English language. Individually, they are nondescript. When joined together they invite the reader into the world of imagination. They are the gateway through which we pass to see the power of a story to transform our lives.
What is it that draws us into a well-written story?
A story has the power to give us a window into our inner being as we see ourselves in the characters that we encounter. As we journey through the pages of a story, we come to understand our own emotions. We learn to grapple with everything from the joy that bubbles up in stories that are laugh-out-loud funny to the deep desire to belong to something that is bigger than ourselves. A story expands our horizons allowing us to see with our own mind’s eye worlds that exist beyond our immediate experience. When a story is shared with others, it provides a point of connection giving a richer dimension to our shared experience.
How else does a story impact our lives?
We are well aware that stories exist in the books that we read. Stories also exist in our minds giving us a way of thinking about life. They represent what we believe to be true both about the world around us as well as about ourselves. It is worth slowing down to contemplate the stories that we are believing. Life is powerfully affected by these inner narratives, but with careful attention they can be shaped.
As a family you have the power to craft the story that will mark your lives. This story is the framework from which you will flourish relationally and move out into the world. Follow along with me to create a family story that is characterized by deep connection cultivated by the shared experiences that come from reading aloud together. As your family is gently shaped by what you read, you will come to recognize the power of a story.